Friday, February 15, 2008

Plum Wine

This was such a cooooool gift, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to include it on my blog...

My friend Ayako's mother is visiting from Japan for 2 weeks. Her name is Kimi. She was so kind to bring me a gift, and what an APPROPRIATE, USEFUL & INNOVATIVE one it was! Kimi found out that I love Plum Wine, a Japanese specialty. Kimi brought me this special crystal carafe all the way from Japan.

Plum Wine is best when it is COLD. I have always had this dilemma: when we buy plum wine at the store, it is room temperature, and I don't want to wait the 2 hours it will take to chill it,,,,, so I usually add ice cubes right to my glass and then it is diluted, and it just never really gets the chance to live up to its potential.

Soooo, the really unique thing about the carafe from Japan is that it has two openings. The opening on top is where you pour the wine into...The opening on the front is where you insert the ice cubes.... The wine and ice cubes are in separate little compartments inside the carafe. So, the wine chills without being watered down. GENIUS!!!! Why didn't I think of this????

1 comment:

Mirnut said...

That is a great gift! I've never had plum wine but I will try some. Perhaps my sis-in-law (from Japan) can get us some good wine. I love the 2 compartment carafe idea! m