Monday, February 4, 2008

US Snow Sculpting Championships

Lake Geneva hosts an annual "Winterfest" and the big attraction is the US Snow Sculpting Championships, held downtown at the lakefront. Marcella & I went to see the sculptors at work on Thursday, with our good friends Ayako & Makoto (13 months old).

The basic idea is that 15 teams from across the nation compete to be named the best snow sculptors in America. Using only non-electrical tools, the teams create these dynamic works-of-art out of gigantic cylinders of compressed snow. The sculpting lasts for about 3 days. Below is a member of "Team Minnesota" carving his sculpture. The "Marine Life" clay concept for the snow sculpture is in the foreground.

Below is a member of Team-Waukesha/Wisconsin. We talked to this very 'chill' sculptor, who gave us some behind-the-scenes insight on what goes into the sculpting process. He and his fellow teammates must have been having a very 'fun' night when they came up with this interesting concept: A large lady swinging from a tree branch, while squirrels come to eat the nuts that are strewn all over her body. (the clay model for the sculpture is on top of the little table. i'm still not quite sure what the Pooh Bear, the Skull, and the Jerry Garcia doll have to do with the snow sculpture,,,,maybe they helped in the brainstorming process????.....Hmmmmm.

B, G & M returned on Saturday night, to check out all of the completed masterpieces. We are standing in front of the completed "lady swinging from tree" snow sculpture...


Team Minnesota's Marine Life sculpture....Absolutely impressive.

*Editor's Note: In case you were curious...the "swinging lady" took home 3rd Place, PLUS a People's Choice Award. Rock On....

1 comment:

Eagle Eyes said...

What a fantastic event! (Team MN did a great job)