Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Up North

Marcella & I spent a few days up north while George was in Florida for work. We had a good time,,,played alot, ate alot, and had fun with family & friends. Here are a few pictures from our northwoods get-away.

At right, Marcella visiting Grandma's 3rd grade classroom at Stratford Elementary. Marcella loved the rendition of "Ring Around the Rosie" that the entire class did with her. She was in 7th heaven.

Nana & "Little Marcy"...

Papa Lynn constructed the coolest cardboard tunnel for Marcella, out of a hot water heater box... It even contained a skylight and custom made door frames complete with thick tape so as to avoid cardboard-cuts. Those grandpas!!!!


Mirnut said...

great pics! how special to get to spend some time with Nana!!!!

wonderful cardboard tunnel. grandpa's always know just the right construction techniques.

have a good one. :) m

Eagle Eyes said...

Love the Grandpa Tunnel. What a great job . . . Reminds me of our blanket houses we constructed when we were little.

Christina said...

Marcella's hair is getting long. It's really cute. Nothing like family time:) The cardboard tunnel is priceless too.