Monday, February 4, 2008

Valentine's Day?????

We were in Target the other day, and George was walking around with this slightly puzzled look on his face. He was definitely contemplating something or other.... (which is not too unusual when we are in Target together, because he is usually processing how his wife could spend so much time & money in this store) Apparently on this day, he was thinking about something else. He was a little mystified by all of the Valentine's marketing & merchandise that Target was promoting throughout the store...because when we got to the register to check-out, he exclaimed "Briggi, when is Valentine's Day?!?!??!" Our cashier--and all of the other patrons & store employees within earshot--were laughing hysterically. The amuzed cashier just shook her head back & forth, and said FEBRUARY 14th!!!! Now I know why Target is my favorite store!



Christina said...

Oh now that is funny!!!! Gotta love Target.

ferdinand said...

I should bring Kaz to Target!!!

Eagle Eyes said...

Wow, George, Wow! Now he MUST do something really special for February 14th!