Friday, February 22, 2008

Grants, Adoption, & the VCU Dog

I haven't posted in a few days because i have been consumed with the title of this blog.

1. I am the Coordinator for the Walworth Co. Literacy Council. The Council is implementing a Jail Literacy Program in the Walworth Co. Jail. As a Public-Defender@Heart I am thrilled about this initiative. When I was practicing law, I often thought/said, "I am so frustrated because I wish I could do more to actually HELP my clients". Well, it is interesting how things have a way of coming full circle. The Jail Literacy Program is going to have tangible benefits to so many people who need it so badly. This summer, we hope to start 2 classes in the jail: one for English as a 2nd Language, and the other is Adult Literacy (reading/writing/grammar for native-English speakers). I am writing the grant in order to have financial backing for the jail program. This is the first grant I have ever written. The writing is very technical, and kind of reminds me of the grueling legal briefs I once wrote. It is a work-in-progress, and has consumed much of this week and will no doubt be a weekend project... All this leg work will hopefully be the helping hand for some people who need a lift...

2. The last few days (and weeks and months) I have been busy with the adoption documents. What continues to amaze me is how the people that we encounter in the adoption process seem to balance each other out along the way. What I mean is this: for every one person that aggravates and complicates the process, there is another who comes along and demonstrates so much compassion and kindness. I truly believe in "random acts of kindness"--they have a way of spinning the world to a different beat. At any rate, my example of the ebbs and flows of the adoption process is pretty simple. This week I tried to find a psycholgist to conduct a psychological examination for us and write a report for Peru. (this is a Peruvian requirement, but was not a Guatemalan requirement) I spent hours on the phone trying to find someone, ANYONE who would even talk to me on the phone about this. I received a few laughs-in-my-face/ear, a few flat-out "NO's", and a few "Sorry, we don't do that here and i don't know who can help you." Finally, I connected with an incredibly kind psychologist who empathized with our situation (as he once contemplated a Peruvian adoption himself) and who is going to do what he can to make the process less painful. In a simple word, he was kind. Random acts of kindness do go a long way.... One phone call made up for the hours of rejections we received from others.

3. Finally, this week has been consumed with the VCU dog. Uncle Andy (VCU Strength & Conditioning Coach) gave Marcella a lanky & lovely VCU dog/stuffed animal for Christmas. It was showcased in her room since then, but for some reason, this week she just fell in love with the VCU dog. It doesn't leave her side. We have gone to the YMCA, the Post Office, the Police Station, and the library with the VCU dog at our side. Marcella shares her milk and food with him. She does the sign language to "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" with the VCU dog. And we even did a rendition of Ring-Around-the-Rosie, with both of us holding a VCU dog paw and dancing around in a circle. I hope that this is all good Karma for the VCU Men's Basketball Team in the Bracketbuster, as they take on Akron at 10 a.m. Saturday (2/23) morning on ESPN 2. Go VCU!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mirnut said...

Grant writing! Yuck! Good luck, I know that is stressful.

At least you have Marcella and the VCU Dog to brighten your days (and George, of course).

Okay, I feel way behind the momma curve as I haven't taught Joshua sign language or much Spanish yet. You go girl! :) m

Eagle Eyes said...

Good luck with the grant proposal -- what a worthwhile initiative.

LOVE the photos of Marcella (as always) -- And it is possible that she is looking more and more like you and George everyday.

Seriously -- this posted picture resembles YOU -- as if she was ALWAYS meant to be yours.

(I know the same will be true with your Peruvian angel.)