Saturday, April 26, 2008

A little of this & a little of that: FINALLY Time for Blogging while the rest of the household celebrates NFL Draft Day

Marcella donning her Ant Mask we made at our Tuesday morning playgroup...


Baba & Mar feeding the squirrels...

As a wise man recently told us "You have to take care of your Diad in order to have a happy & healthy Triad"....So, we heeded the advice and headed to Chicago for a "Date Night" ...we went for dinner at a Spanish Tapas Restaurant ...we walked around the city & did some shopping....we stayed downtown @ the Palmer House Hilton via Priceline....we had an AWESOME time...

On our "date night" we watched the movie "Forgetting Sarah Marshall"~~It was the funniest movie we've seen in a Looooong time. Quite possibly Ever. I was laughing so hard I couldn't wipe up all my tears fast enough, so I started using George's sleeve. Poor guy. By the end of the movie, his shirt was drenched with my laughter tears. At right, a "Sarah Marshall" taxi cab whizzes by...

A recent Brewers game...Marcella has been an angel at every game we have gone to this year. She loves yelling CHARGE when they do that little ditty over the loudspeakers.

We took our nephew Josh & niece Jessica to a baseball game this past week. Prior to the game, both were undecided about their opinion on this stellar team----after a spectacular game, an exhilarating finish, and awesome seats, they are now BONAFIDE BREWERS FANS!!!!!!!

~~NFL Draft Day 2008~~


Mirnut said...

Love the outfit! Too cute. Where'd you get the glasses? Glad to see you are back blogging. I too have been away from it but hope to post some pics tomorrow. M

Eagle Eyes said...

Wow! Mar looks like a little Diva!

So happy that you and George had a date night . . .

I am looking forward to spending some quality time with you myself in the not too distant future!

Jeanne said...

An update! Looks like you are having lots of fun keeping busy.

Marcella looks so old!!