Monday, May 5, 2008

Up North...

On Friday, we ventured up north to Grandma and Papa Lynn's house (3 1/2 hours north of our house). We had a variety of reasons for coming: Uncle Andy is home on vacation, a Bridal Shower, and a fun get-away.

George had to go back on Sunday (to work! boo hoo!), but the girls get to stay and play for a few extra days.

Tonight was beautiful, so we headed down to the water to watch Uncle Andy & Papa Lynn fish. Marcella is most certainly an outdoors, adventurous, rough & tumble type of princess. Here are a few pix from tonight...

Uncle Andy's prize catch...Don't worry, I made sure he threw it back (and he did~~below, Marcella and Andy are watching the fish swim away).


zully said...

is ur family???
really beautiful :D

love and peace!!!

Eagle Eyes said...

Your "Up North" trip sounds fantastic. Enjoy your time with your family.

Christina said...

Such precious memories! Although we aren't up north are we?? Cause if we are I better move further south:)