Sunday, April 6, 2008

Forever Day, Part II

For those that might have read my previous blog regarding the Great Debate--whether to celebrate Marcella's "Forever Day" as Good Friday or as April 6th----I have good news. We have decided to celebrate BOTH this year.

Although we didn't do anything flashy or have a great big party today, April 6th was just a special day for the Kutschma's. We simply enjoyed the Spring Day with our biggest blessing, Marcella: we went on a couple of walks, hit the local playground, read "Happy Adoption Day" over and over and over (as Marcella proudly proclaims "AGAIN!"), had a delicious breakfast at "Antigua Real" (a local Latin American restaurant, specializing in Guatemalan food), gave Marcella a bath in order to wash off all the frosting she was coated in after eating her "Adoption Day" cupcake, and enjoyed lots and lots of hugs.

We are eternally grateful for the light of our lives, Senorita Marcella Kutschma...
Lyrics by John McCutcheon, from his book "Happy Adoption Day" :
Oh, who would have guessed? Who could have seen? Who could have possibly known? All these roads we have traveled, the places we've been, Would have finally taken us home? So it's here's to you and three cheers to you! Let's should it, "HIP HIP HOORAY", For out of a world so tattered and torn, You came to our house on that wondeful morn, And all of a sudden this family was born. Oh Happy Adoption Day!


Jeanne said...

Re-Congratualations! Whatever Marcella is eating, sure looks good!

Eagle Eyes said...

EVERY day is a celebration!

Christina said...

Congratulations! How great to take her to a restaurant like that. The food looks yummy:)