Friday, March 21, 2008

the great debate?

Today is Good Friday.

Good Friday took on a whole new meaning for us last year, as that was the day we held Marcella in our arms forever and ever, por siempre y para siempre...

However, George and I have been in the midst of a big debate.

In adoptions, the date that you permanently receive your child is celebrated. It is commonly referred to as "Gotcha Day" or "Forever Day"... This date means so much to adoptive parents and children. It symbolizes the day your world changed forever and ever and ever...

Our dilemma is this: Last year, Marcella was placed in our arms--forever--on Good Friday, April 6, 2007. This year, and for many years to come, Good Friday will not land on April 6th. Soooo, do we celebrate "Forever Day" as April 6th, or as Good Friday????

I initially thought there wasn't a discussion to be had---for me, "Forever Day" should be April 6th each year. End of story. But George had the exact opposite take on the situation-->Good Friday is the day we should celebrate as it was a GREAT Friday (not the exact date of april 6th), and we will always and forever remember what we were doing on that one particular Friday in 2007...

And so the debate goes.

One argument to support celebrating April 6th is to equate it with people's birthdays falling around Thanksgiving. People don't say that their birthday is Thanksgiving. No, they hold true to their birthdate of November 24th, Nov 25th, 26th, etc. And when their birthday lands on Thanksgiving, well, i guess that is an added bonus (pumpkin pie & birthday cake). This was my argument all along...

Until today, Good Friday, came along..........

All day long, I have been reflecting back onto our experiences last year on Good Friday in Guatemala. I don't instantly think of that amazing day as April 6th---i think of it instinctively as GOOD Friday (GOOD, GREAT, AMAZING, WONDERFUL FRIDAY). I remember the celebratory and electric holiday spirit in the air in Guatemala City. I remember the butterflies (GIGANTIC torpedoing, butterflies) in our stomach as we raced to the lobby of the hotel to be reunited with Marcella; I remember seeing Marcella and her pigtails bobbing in the air as she bounced on Silvia's (foster mom) lap; I remember the SURREAL feeling of our first real and permanent moment of parenthood after Silvia left; I remember floating in the hotel pool that gorgeous Friday afternoon with our precious, amazing, gorgeous princesita Mar-Mar-------all of these memories took place on Good Friday.......

Perhaps the debate has resolved itself?.....


Jeanne said...

What amazing memories (read your post after sending you the last e-mail)

Sounds like the debate has been resolved.........

Congratulations on your 1 year Forever Day anniversary. this past year flew by.....

Eagle Eyes said...

Congratulations on your one-year anniversary . . FANTASTIC Friday!!