Sunday, March 16, 2008


Saturday we went to the annual FIESTA for the Latin American Adoptive Families organization of Wisconsin. ( The FIESTA was held at Cardinal Stritch University in the Milwaukee area. There were approximately 150 children in attendance (most under 5 years old), who have been adopted from a Latin American country.

"Abuelita" with Marcella

It was such a neat experience to see all of the children, who looked so similar to Marcella, and really share so much with her. She was a bit overwhelmed by the whole experience (seeing so many brown eyed, dark haired beauties in one place!), but quickly warmed up once the Mariachi Band started. She absolutely has "Ritmo", as is said in Spanish: This girl has RHYTHM! DANCE-DANCE-DANCE!

Marcella met a little "amiga" at the fiesta. They were the identical size and both loved to dance. They held hands and danced the night (afternoon) away...

Earlier in the FIESTA, we entered a raffle drawing. We were keeping our fingers crossed, for the 'grand' prize, which consisted of 4 field-level tickets to a Milwaukee Brewers game, a Chorizo Bobblehead Doll, and a Cerveceros (brewers) hat.
We had to leave the FIESTA a bit early, as George had an "urgent" appointment at home (his fantasy baseball draft) at 7:30 p.m. Because of the pressing draft, we did not have time to hear the winning raffle tickets. As we were leaving, George gave our ticket stubs to the family sitting at our table, and told them to keep the prize (we never win these types of things, right!). Later that night (about the 5th round of the fantasy baseball draft), we got a message from the people who were sitting at our table (we did not know them except for some small talk at the FIESTA) They had our phone number (as it was written on the ticket), and they were kind enough to let us know that we had actually won the Grand Prize, the Brewers ticket package! Hooray!
Today (Sunday), we drove to their house in the Milwaukee area, and offered some beer in exchange for our grand prize! They accepted. We breathed a sigh of relief....
Below is a picture of Miller Park--distant right--at sunset, as we zoomed by enroute to the fantasy baseball draft...14 days, 18 hours, 45 minutes until OPENING DAY!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Eagle Eyes said...

Congrats on winning the GRAND Prize!

(and the photos are great as usual!)