Sunday, March 2, 2008

Los Cerveceros

Spanish word of the day: CERVECEROS. In order to find out the definition, you have to read to the end of this blog.

On Saturday, we took a road-trip to Tuscon, which is about an hour and a half to the south of Phoenix. The Brewers were playing the Colorado Rockies there... In about the 6th inning, George and I made a bathroom break with Marcella. The bathrooms are located in the concourse area, under the 3rd base bleachers. As we were exiting the bathroom, and getting ready to go back to our seats, our jaws started to drop as one-by-one, the starting BREWERS players exited the locker room and exited the stadium. [[In Spring Training, the starters usually only play about 5 innings,before their replacements come in.]] Soooo, here we stand in amazement as Ben Sheets, Rickie Weeks, etc etc etc trot by us. In the 'old' days (pre-marcella) we would've been a couple of gawking fans, however, EVERYTHING changes with a baby!!!!!!!! As Ryan Braun (NL Rookie of the Year 2007) struts right past us in his designer jeans and hip t-shirt, I tell him "She's your biggest fan!" (while i am holding & pointing to marcella). As he walks by, he turns around, smiles and TOUCHES her and says something to the effect of "Awwwww, she's cute!". A little while later, Tony Gwynn Jr struts by and I say "Hi Tony",,,,he looks at me spryly and says "Hey, how's it going....." Then comes Billy Hall (my FAVORITE brewer). He also reaches out to Marcella, (While I am about to faint) and says "HI Baby!".

ps--Cerveceros==The Brewers.

1 comment:

Eagle Eyes said...

Fantastic encounters with the Brewers!