Sunday, March 22, 2009

La Revolving "Puerta"

This week I received a phone call from our adoption agency. However, it was not the Ecuador adoption coordinator calling--instead, it was the Peruvian coordinator.... We haven't talked to her in awhile, since Peru rejected us nearly a month or so ago. She called to inform us that the government attorney in Peru---the one who REJECTED our case---was recently fired. Seeing a window of opportunity, our Peruvian representative (she is the one who lives in Peru, and handled all aspects of our case down there) went to the new, replacement attorney. She presented our case to this new attorney for reconsideration.

(Side note: We had no idea that our case was even still in Peru!)

The new attorney declared that the old (fired) attorney's opinion was WRONG and that our Peruvian adoption can continue. WHAT?!!?!?!??! We do not need to do any Birth Certificate amendments (as the previous regime had demanded). We can proceed, as is! Our case is completely legal, and we should not have been kicked out. All we have to do is write a letter to the Peruvian government, asking that our case continue.

As you may imagine, this news came as a complete and total shock. We have been thinking, praying, contemplating, and digesting this news. We are on the verge of sending our dossier to Ecuador--I have been scrambling for the last month, piecing this dossier together. What should we do???? What should we do????

There are so many factors that go into this decision. Some of the factors are very technical, and some are very emotional. Needless to say, I have had the 'ol "Pro" and "Con" list going since we got the phone call. In my head, I was viewing the situation as "Which country? Which country? Ecuador or Peru? Peru or Ecuador? AHHHHHH!".

Thanks to my contemplative, rational, intelligent, caring (did I mention AMAZING) husband, I was able to process all of these thoughts---and more. George presented the following scenario to me: "Why can't we adopt from both countries". I have to admit, my initial reaction to this proposal was "OH BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". But, after more praying, reasoning, soul-searching, we both arrived at the same conclusion:

We both have always wanted a large family--this is in our heart. We LOVE adoption--it is the most amazing gift to both the giver and receiver (in fact, the giver often becomes the receiver, and the receiver becomes the giver.....). We believe that God's plan for us is to welcome children into our home, and give them a 'forever' family. The Hispanic culture is woven into our hearts, minds, and home---building our family through Guatemala, Ecuador, and Peru! HOW AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We have been praying for guidance and help in building our family, and we believe that this situation is truly a blessing from God. It is yet another door opening. This situation has taught us that we can never predict the future, or try to control the future with an iron fist. We have to roll with the opportunites and challenges presented before us. Most of all, we have to stay positive and faithful.

My good friend Jen commented on my last blog entry (the one about Peru's rejection). Her comment resonated with us, "If God brings you TO it, He will bring you THROUGH it!" We are holding fast to these thoughts, as we go THROUGH this challenging decision and journey. Gracias nuestra amiga, Jen!!!

Barring any unforeseen curveballs, we have decided to embark on concurrent adoptions through Ecuador and Peru. We believe that the Ecuador adoption will probably occur way before Peru's adoption. There will undoubtedly be challenges along the way, and there are some paperwork technicalities that we have to work through to appease the US Government, as well as Ecuador and Peru. But, as always, we will keep you posted on our journey to become a family of....CINCO!!!!

Here are some pictures from our recent Spring Training trip to Arizona. The Brewers looked AWESOME. The rest and rejuvenation that we experienced on our trip, certainly helped us in our decision making process, which we have encountered immediately upon our return back to Wisconsin!!!

After a Giants-Brewers game in Scottsdale... This is truly our paradise vacation: 6 baseball games in 8 days...

Auntie Mimi (AKA, my sister Micky) LOVES cupcakes. She not only loves to eat them, she loves to make them (and they are soooooo good),,,,, Micky spent alot of time researching our 'cupcake crawl' through Scottsdale, and it turned out to be a sugary success.
PAPARAZZI!!!! Taking after her mamacita! Poor George!
Looks like Marcella is sitting directly on a VORTEX in Sedona! "Bien Electrica", as her foster mom coined her in Guatemala, once upon a time...


Eagle Eyes said...

Peru AND Ecuador! Que bueno! Best wishes as this process continues!

Brenna said...

Holy cow, Bridge,

I haven't logged on here in a while so I'm just getting caught up on all your adoption stuff. Wow! That's just amazing.

You guys certainly are adventuresome souls. I'm really happy for you, and the little ninos/ninas coming your way!

Going through Ecuador will be an interesting experience--if Children's Home just got granted the only US license to do it, then you guys are really going to be a pair of trailblazers. (Side note: Perry F. and his wife several years back had a foreign exchange student from Ecuador, and went back to visit him and his family the following summer. He really liked it, I think.)

Anyway, congrats! That's extremely exciting.