Thursday, April 10, 2008


George's sister Lubita is a scrapbooking afficionado. For Christmas 2006, she gave each of George's siblings (6 total including G), and George's mom, an 8x8 scrapbook entitled the "Circle of Families" Album. The only catch was that each scrapbook was blank. The idea is that each family creates a few pages for the scrapbook, detailing what is happening in their lives currently. After you've finished, you pass the book along to the next family, and they insert their own pages in your book, and then that family passes the scrapbook on to the next family, and so on.... When your book comes back to you, it will be filled up with the memoires of our entire family. What an awesome gift!!!

The only 'problem' is, as I noted in my first sentence, this was a Christmas present from 2006. When I last checked, it was April 2008. So, I am a bit behind the times. I have discovered that scrapbooking is next to impossible with a toddler tooling around. So, I asked Lubita to come and help me out with my pages, and to bring "babysitters" (AKA, Marcella's cousins).

Pictured below are Trevor and Nate, the coolest kats around, babysitting Marcella.


Eagle Eyes said...

Lubita's idea is GREAT!

(if only I wasn't so far behind in my own scrapbooking, I would consider passing along her idea to my relatives...)

Jeanne said...

Wow! That is a great idea with the scrapbooking!

Julia has that same floral shirt that Marcella is wearing :-)