Saturday, April 5, 2008


Opening Day in Milwaukee is like New Year's Eve on HGH/steroids. (no baseball-scandal-related pun intended).

It is the day we dream of all winter long...

Although the day is truly about baseball, it is also very much about the parking lot. Tailgating, brats sizzling the morning away, mile long lines for the porta-potties, champagne corks popping, crazy opening day outfits (for example: a giant Saskwatch trotting down the street in a Ryan Braun jersey).

By the way, when you are the Designated Driver (as i was), the whole experience becomes much more LOCO (that's 'crazy' in spanish).

Go Brewers. Go Cerveceros. Spring Hopes Eternal.

Some Sights & Sounds of Opening Day 2008~~~


Eagle Eyes said...

I was HOPING to experience the game vicariously through your photos! Thanks!

Christina said...

Looks like fun:) What is up with the hairy costume?