Wednesday, January 30, 2008

News Flash: Tropical Weather Hits Lake Geneva

Well, actually that tropical weather front was indoors at the TimberRidge Waterpark. We spent yesterday afternoon in 80 degree weather, while the weather all around us turned down-right frigid & bizarre. Sooo, it was nice to be indoors, at least feeling like we were in the tropics!

Its amazing how little reminders keep popping up all around, telling us to count our blessings. I was talking to the front desk lady at the WaterPark, and I commented on how Tuesdays must be a slow day there. She informed me that the park would actually be filling up in a little while because they had invited all of the tornado-survivers from the recent January tornado to the waterpark. For those not familiar with the recent tornado, it was a devastating & unexpected tornado that destroyed approx 30 homes in Wheatland, which is a little town near Lake Geneva. These people lost everything, except thankfully, their lives. It was very humbling to see all of these families filter into the waterpark to enjoy an afternoon away from the recent devastation in their lives.

On a 'lighter' note, I shared this story with George (that the tornado survivors were at the waterpark also). His response? "What! Why wasn't I invited?!?!?!". I guess he kind of has a point... :) [[For those that didn't hear the story, George literally ran into this same tornado while driving home from work a few weeks ago. His car was almost totalled (from flying trees, road signs, etc), but thankfully he walk/drove away in one piece, and we can now chuckle about his 'missed invite to the waterpark.' ]]

Good Night. Buenas Noches.

1 comment:

Eagle Eyes said...

Oh my goodness . . . Glad to hear that George walked / drove away unscathed. Blessings indeed!