Wednesday, January 30, 2008

News Flash: Tropical Weather Hits Lake Geneva

Well, actually that tropical weather front was indoors at the TimberRidge Waterpark. We spent yesterday afternoon in 80 degree weather, while the weather all around us turned down-right frigid & bizarre. Sooo, it was nice to be indoors, at least feeling like we were in the tropics!

Its amazing how little reminders keep popping up all around, telling us to count our blessings. I was talking to the front desk lady at the WaterPark, and I commented on how Tuesdays must be a slow day there. She informed me that the park would actually be filling up in a little while because they had invited all of the tornado-survivers from the recent January tornado to the waterpark. For those not familiar with the recent tornado, it was a devastating & unexpected tornado that destroyed approx 30 homes in Wheatland, which is a little town near Lake Geneva. These people lost everything, except thankfully, their lives. It was very humbling to see all of these families filter into the waterpark to enjoy an afternoon away from the recent devastation in their lives.

On a 'lighter' note, I shared this story with George (that the tornado survivors were at the waterpark also). His response? "What! Why wasn't I invited?!?!?!". I guess he kind of has a point... :) [[For those that didn't hear the story, George literally ran into this same tornado while driving home from work a few weeks ago. His car was almost totalled (from flying trees, road signs, etc), but thankfully he walk/drove away in one piece, and we can now chuckle about his 'missed invite to the waterpark.' ]]

Good Night. Buenas Noches.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Monday, Monday

A good weekend was had by all in the Kutschma family. On Sunday, we (Marcella & I) went to a Bridal Fair in Lake Geneva with Auntie M (Micky). We had eaten before we went, so I wasn't hungry enough to devour all of the free cake samples they were giving out. **note to self for the next bridal fair** But we had a good time nonetheless.

While we were off galavanting, George put his time to good use by analyzing and calculating and graphing his fantasy baseball draft forecast. He literally has coded each and every player, according to a number of secret criteria. Based on these calculations, G-baby then grouped them into a number of devisive, color-coded & top-secret categories, that will, indeed, bring him home the fantasy baseball championship this year. Exhibit 1 shown at the left is only one of about 100 documents he created this weekend in his quest for the gold. (don't worry, you need the secret key to interpret his winning formula...the secret key is something he will never fact, he won't even write it down for fear of a thief.)

And, last but not least, I have included a pix of senorita marcella, snug as a bug in the....sink.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

GO VCU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, proud big sister writing here. My brother Andy is the head Strength & Conditioning Coach for VCU Men's Basketball (Virginia Commonwealth University--Richmond). This pix was taken on January 12th, when VCU routed Hofstra. (Head Coach Anthony Grant strutting the sidelines,,,,Andy strategizing on the lower left of the pix)VCU is on a 6 game winning run. Catch them Tuesday night on ESPN 2, as they take on George Mason at 7 p.m. (Eastern Time). Yeah UNCLE ANDY!!! Go RAMS!!!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Holy COWS, I have a blog!

TGIF! What better day to start a blog than a Friday night, after the obligatory pizza & vino. As I am trying to start my very first blog, George has just proclaimed from downstairs "Briggi, we have a clothing situation here". I have been at the computer for less than 15 minutes, and we, in the Kutschma household have a 'clothing situation'. I look downstairs and I see marcella, with her onesie and half of her pajamas, somehow stuck over her head. She is trying to do a somersault while enshrouded in 3 layers of clothing over her cabeza, while George frantically says "I am over my head here !!! Help!!!!" Thankfully Aunt Suzie "Tia" is here to swoop in and save the day. So anyways, the clothing situation has been remedied, and I am able to quickly finish my very first blog. So familia, friends & amigos, here is Brigette's first blog entry. Welcome to our wild world. The title was selected tonight "Babies, Brewers & Bacilio" after much deliberation. Here's the 2-second explanation: Babies (for our darling princesita Marcella&&&& her sibling(s) that are on the way via our pending adoption--through Peru); Brewers (for our beloved boys of spring, summer & FALL---yes, the brewers are headed to post-season, baby! And we are headed to Spring training in a month!); and Bacilio (for my amazing, wonderful, hilarious husband--whose middle name 'bacilio' somehow surived 3 name changes in his immigration from peru to usa--& who, thankfully, changed his allegiance from the cubs to whitesox when we were dating). So, Babies, Brewers & Bacilio--this is my world.....and it is awesome!