Saturday, September 12, 2009

La Princesita Puma

Today, we celebrated Adoption with all sorts of 'amigos', via the Latin American Adoptive Families Group annual Fiesta (In Germantown/Milwaukee, Wisconsin). It is truly amazing, inspirational, and awesome to see all of the blessings that have come to us through Guatemala and Latin America...

One of the highlights of today's Fiesta was the face-painting. Most of the little Guatemlan princesses were requesting to have their face painted like a ......princess. Not Marcella. She wanted to be a "PUMA". We suggested to her, a million times in a million ways, that it would be so awesome to have all of the beautiful glitter and gems on her face...... However, she was intent on the PUMA masquerade. I like her determination :)

Here are a few pix of our little princesita puma!


Anonymous said...

I kept suggesting to my own "Guatemalan Princess" that a tigress or lioness face would look great on her. And she kept agreeing. But when the 2 princesses in front of us received so many accolades for their beauty, my own princesa changed her mind and decided on the tiara/princess glitter combo. She looked cute, and she truly reveled in being told how "adorable" she looked for most of the fiesta.

Still, I wish she had chosen the lioness look instead.

Your daughter looked spectacular. And I was very impressed that she was able to tell me who her favorite Milwaukee Brewer is: right fielder Corey Hart.

Brigette said...

It was great to talk with you yesterday, Gregg & Espe! What an awesome fiesta~~~ Marilu is truly a princesita. Too bad we didn't live closer to Milwaukee, as I think the girls could be great amiguitas!

Did you have a fun time trying to wash the facepaint off at the end of the day? That is kind of a tragic thing for a 3 year old---to see all their beautiful decorations washed off with some soap and water! But, good thing for cameras to have captured lots of fun memories of the face-painting and the fiesta.

Hasta Pronto,

Jeanne said...

Gotta love not giving in to the princess pressure!! Way to go Marcella. It is priceless!

Unknown said...

Dig the kitty look, seriously. Good on her!