Wednesday, August 19, 2009

"Paper Pregnant" in Peru

We got the call tonight at 5:30 p.m. from our agency~~~We have officially been approved to adopt a child from Peru!
This is a huge milestone in our adoption, especially considering that we started the Peruvian adoption in November 2007! So today, August 19, 2009, after much rigamarole from Peru and elsewhere, they have finally accepted us to adopt a child born in their country (which, coincidentally, is also George's homeland!!!). AMAZING!!!!!!!!!

The past few weeks, we have been a bit more vocal and inquisitive with our agency. I'm not sure if our concern and advocacy have helped with our approval---or if it was just in the works anyways. At any rate, we are 'in'!!!!

Now, what happens?

We wait some more~~~ but at least we have the peace of mind that we are legitimately able to adopt our child. The estimated wait time is basically unknown; however, we have an approximate time frame of one to three more years. Our adoption agency informed us that they aren't really sure of a reasonable time frame, as there are constant fluctuations in the adoption system. In fact, very, very recently, a brand new Director of Peruvian adoptions was appointed. How this new Director will change things, including timeframes, is yet to be seen. We can only hope and pray for the best.

And with that, I will leave you with a few recent pictures. You will see a 3-year old in the pictures, who was extremely elated when we got the phone call tonight, informing her that she will indeed be a big sister. And we are extremely blessed beyond words, to have Marcella each and everyday with us, as we journey down the path to building our family.

My siblings & hija, (L--R), Andy, Micky, Mar, and Luke!


Brenna said...

Hey, congrats Bridge! That is totally excellent. It would drive me slightly nuts not to have a better idea of a time frame, but at least this way you know it's happening and you can shrug and say, "it will happen when it will happen."

Christina said...

Congratulations!!!!! We are so excited for your family:) And to be able to adopt from Peru - FINALLY. And how very special to be able to not only visit there but to bring your precious child home. We will continue to be praying for you as you wait. God has your child all picked out for you!!!!! Again congratulations on this huge milestone and huge answer to prayer!!!
Love ~S & C

Eagle Eyes said...

Words can't express how happy Michael & I are regarding your news . . . prayers and possitive thoughts to you and George and Marcella.