Monday, June 1, 2009

The end of the paperchase (for now!)

For the last 2 months, we have been working on 2 amendments to our Peruvian dossier. One was a minor change and the other was a major, 12-page amendment. I am happy to report these documents are DONE. Signed, Sealed, Delivered. Our agency just reported that they were expedited to Peru today!

Once in Peru, they will be translated, and then submitted to the Adoption Bureau down there. In the meantime, we wait for APPROVAL!!!!!!!! After Approval, we are still looking at over a year's wait...but one step at a time. Approval is on the horizon...we hope and pray!

A few pictures...

Marcella with her new 5-month old friend "Baby Chicako". If you look really close at this picture, you can tell that Baby Chicako is a SUPER SMART baby, as she is wearing a Brewers onesie!!!!!!!!

A glimpse of Marcella's first Dentist appointment! She did stellar, and came away with a bag of teeth-cleaning goodies.
Below---Mar, the Candy Girl! George's store donated a ton (literally) of candy for the Troops. This pix was taken on candy-delivery day! The candy sat in our house for about a month, and amazingly, it all remained intact?!?!?!


Eagle Eyes said...

I LOVE the "dandy pic" of Mar :-)

Unknown said...

Awww, she's looking very cute, Bridge!

I'm loving keeping up on what's going on with you. I hope everything proceeds relatively smoothly from here on out--I think you guys are due for that.

Henry and Lisa said...

Hi Brigette,

My husband and I are a mixto couple who are in the process of adopting from Peru. We just sent our dossier over and it's in the translation phase at the moment. We have a blog, it's We posted your blog onto our tiny list of families adopting from Peru. Hang in there, God will see your adoption thru!!! Adoption is a huge test of faith for everyone! Take care! Lisa