Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Adoption Anthology

Many more twists & turns in our anthology!

My last adoption posting detailed that our dossier was supposed to be withdrawn & resubmitted. About a week after this was supposed to have happened, I contacted our agency to inquire if it actually did happen.

Guess what? They informed me it was NEVER withdrawn or resubmitted, as they had planned. Instead, our case was basically TERMINATED. .

Our Peruvian adoption represenatative requested a face-to-face meeting with the new Director of Adoptions in Peru, as a last-ditch effort to plead our case. This meeting happened shortly before Christmas. We don't have alot of details about this meeting, but what we do know is that:
  • The Director did not terminate our case on-the-spot;
  • The Director suggested that our Representative submit George's American Birth Certificate (which we thought had been submitted already last fall!!!!!!!!!!!)
  • Our Dossier will be referred to a "Technical Committee" in Peru, and this group of adoption professionals will make the final determination about whether our case proceeds or whether we are "terminated".

We really don't know the who/what/were/when/why about the Technical Committee. So, for the time being, we are happy to at least have a chance to continue on towards our dream of adopting from Peru.

We will let you know if & when we hear the results of the Technical Committee meeting...

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