Monday, August 25, 2008

Our Peruvian Adoption & The Surmountable Brick Wall

In the ongoing Adoption Column on the left, I mentioned that "no news is good news" in the world of adoption. Well, we received some news.....

It appears that Peru is not recognizing or accepting George's Peruvian birth certificate. They want him to submit an American birth certificate.

Apparently, they are confused because after George was born in PERU, he moved to the USA at age 4. Around age 7, he was adopted by his step-father and his name was changed. They want a Birth Certificate that reflects George's current name (by the way, George has never had an American birth certificate). Unfortunately, in the NINE months we have been working on the Peruvian adoption, this is the first time this American Birth Certificate issue has come up.

In the course of this adoption, we have provided Peru with every bit of documentation we could possibly muster up (PERUVIAN birth certificate, adoption decrees, adoption certificates, the whole 9 yards...). It looks like this is not going to cut it.

When discouraged by this whole dilemma, I refer back to this motivating quote: THE BRICK WALLS ARE THERE TO STOP THE PEOPLE WHO DON'T WANT IT BADLY ENOUGH A very wise man named Randy Pausch based his life and his teachings around these words. You may have heard of Randy Pausch from the "Last Lecture". Amazing man, Amazing story.

So, with this in mind, I am going to embark on getting my 43 year old husband his very first American Birth Certificate--->jet-blasting by this brick wall!


Stritch MBA-1-106 2007 said...

Hey B.
Hang in there and keep it up. It will happen!

Jeanne said...

Brigette, so sorry to hear about the delay. So hard when they seem to make up rules mid-game and not recognize things that are right in front of them. A wall yes, but it seems adoption (and life) are full of them. Sorry......

Blast away!

Brenna said...

Oh, ugh, Brigette, that seriously bites. How utterly frustrating. I must say, you're responding better than I would have.

Eagle Eyes said...

Sending you energy in your quest for an American birth certificate for George! (Thought you would also appreciate my newly invented "Brick Wall Blasting Kit" that will destroy any type of wall, especially a brick one, with thoughts and prayers from friends and family.) Best Wishes!!

Fran Beige said...

Hi Brigette! I came across your blog in doing a bit of research about adoption in Peru. I live in Toronto, but am Peruvian by birth and am wondering if the same issue your husband encountered with his birth certificate will apply to me since I too have changed my name since birth, to take my husband's last name. Although my Peruvian passport has my maiden name still, so it matches my birth certificate, our entire adoption dossier has my married name. Any insight would help! Thanks and I hope your process has been more fruitful in Ecuador!