Sunday, June 15, 2008

Long Time, No See/Talk/Write/Blog

No excuses for not blogging---just enjoying summer & Mar-Mar...

Mom's last day of the school year was Friday, June 6th... She has been here since the 7th~~we have been having a great time. Mom has totally helped us out, by cleaning our house!!!, and just being an awesome Mom & Grandma.

Here are some pix (by the way, the little blue/yellow dress that Marcella is wearing, was my dress when I was a little girl!!!~~)


Eagle Eyes said...

Thanks for posting more photos. Glad to hear you and Mar are enjoying summer adventures!

Christina said...

Love it! Marcella is getting so big. We have got to get together soon and visit! Thanks for posting the pics - love them all!

Mirnut said...

cute dress. Maria has a couple dresses that were mine and my sis' when we were little too. it's special when our kiddos get to wear clothes that we once wore! Marcella looks great. will blog some later. still getting back in the swing after being on the road for 6 weeks. :) Miriam