Saturday, May 17, 2008

Monday, May 5, 2008

Up North...

On Friday, we ventured up north to Grandma and Papa Lynn's house (3 1/2 hours north of our house). We had a variety of reasons for coming: Uncle Andy is home on vacation, a Bridal Shower, and a fun get-away.

George had to go back on Sunday (to work! boo hoo!), but the girls get to stay and play for a few extra days.

Tonight was beautiful, so we headed down to the water to watch Uncle Andy & Papa Lynn fish. Marcella is most certainly an outdoors, adventurous, rough & tumble type of princess. Here are a few pix from tonight...

Uncle Andy's prize catch...Don't worry, I made sure he threw it back (and he did~~below, Marcella and Andy are watching the fish swim away).