Saturday, September 12, 2009

La Princesita Puma

Today, we celebrated Adoption with all sorts of 'amigos', via the Latin American Adoptive Families Group annual Fiesta (In Germantown/Milwaukee, Wisconsin). It is truly amazing, inspirational, and awesome to see all of the blessings that have come to us through Guatemala and Latin America...

One of the highlights of today's Fiesta was the face-painting. Most of the little Guatemlan princesses were requesting to have their face painted like a ......princess. Not Marcella. She wanted to be a "PUMA". We suggested to her, a million times in a million ways, that it would be so awesome to have all of the beautiful glitter and gems on her face...... However, she was intent on the PUMA masquerade. I like her determination :)

Here are a few pix of our little princesita puma!