Sunday, September 28, 2008

Wild Thing, I Think I LOVE You!!!!

I have dreamt about the day that I could blog about finally grasping the WILD CARD. Today, Game Number 162 of the 2008 season, is that day. And now I am nearly speechless. Suffice to say, a dream come true for Brewers Nation!!!

Save the TaTa's and some other recent memories

This past weekend, I walked with 3 friends{Cassie, my niece; Delilah, my sister-in-law; and Jodi, George's coworker}for the 1st Annual Lake Geneva Hope Walk for Breast Cancer. We couldn't have picked a better day for the walk, or better scenery. We hiked along the Lake Geneva shorepath, which literally crosses over the backyards of mansions along the lake. Lake Geneva has a rule of some sorts that mandates lake property owners to maintain a walkway for people to saunter around the lake. We walked to Williams Bay (7 miles) and then back to Lake Geneva (another 7 miles). Grand total: 14 miles! The "Save the Ta-Ta's" reference in the Title comes from some of the creative shirts we saw fellow walkers wearing along the lake path...

Last weekend was our 5th anniversary ("6th Honeymoon". We spent a wonderful weekend in Elkhart Lake, at the Osthoff Resort. On the way to the Resort, we stopped by the Kohler/Andrae State Park near Sheboygan---absolutely impressive. Who knew that Wisconsin had sand dunes? We had a blast walking barefoot (in late September) along Lake Michigan.

Here are a few random pictures of Marcella, her cool new shoes from Grandma, soaking her feet with Daddy, and our amazing Orange Tree.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Introducing Mr & Mrs Glaser

My little sister, Micky, just got married this past weekend. She married an awesome guy (and a pretty darn good hockey player), Darin. They had a beautiful outdoor wedding, in a park where they went on their first date. Everything was perfect and awesome---from the laid back atmosphere of LOVE, to the Jack Johnson song that they walked down the aisle to....
Marcella was the sparkly, star-wand waving flower girl,,,and I was the "Best Lady".

The wedding had a very 'natural' theme---home grown wheat grass, compliments of green thumb Aunt Suzie, adorned everything.

One of my sister's biggest passions is desserts. You wouldn't know it by her small size, but you would know it by the delicious details that came in the form of her wedding cake & the bite-size pastries that accompanied it.

Best Wishes Micky & Darin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!